He makes stunning mini-masterpieces!,who neither what he does not concede, and may even exceed the Willard!His name is Nikolai Aldunin.In continuation You can see it works!Bloch, he also hack...
The caravan of camels in the needle ushke.The height of camels ,20-0-0, 28 mm.The material-gold 999.9 samples
Automatic AKM-47.Length-1, 625 mm.It consists of 34 deteley.Material gold-585 and 999.9 samples.Time of construction-6 months.Located across the match.
Ostankino Tower.The material-gold 999.9 samples.Located at the apple seed..
Tula samovar.Height-1, 2 mm., A number of corn sugar.The material-gold 999.9 samples. Made of 12 parts..
Tank T34/85.Located on the longitudinal section of apple grain.The length of the shell-2 mm.K of detail-257.Material-gold 999.9
Tank T34/85.The length of the shell-2 mm.K of parts-257.The material-gold 999.9 samples
Cyclists.Length-2 mm.Located on the garment needle
Council so love.The letters-0, 14 mm.The material-gold 999.9 samples.
The portrait of Alexander Pushkin (increased) height of a portrait-1 mm.
Nikolai Gogol.Portrait in rice grain.
Heeled flea.Brilliant point-flash Gvozdikov.The material-gold 999.9 samples.
So decorated with rice seeds
Master Microminiature Aldunin Nikolai was born Sept. 1, 1956 in the village of South Lamovatka Voroshilovgradskoy area.Of all the natural and artificial materials from childhood love of metals and metal izdeliya.Rabotaya metalworker, and then Tokarev in the industry, realizing the secrets of all metal.Somehow domestic chutem immediately unmistakably selected mode of cutting metal is allowed to increase the number of products, improving their kachestvo.Suschestvuyuschuyu "technology, metals" Nikolai finds imperfect.Several years ago he had the idea hack fleas.We prove that not in vain N. Leskov was sung and the whole world glorified it Tula artists.Two years of writing, and then sat down for the microscope.Three months later, when finished, I understood that "found himself" in Microminiature.He resigned from work and decided to seriously address this very difficult and interesting craft.Believe that human life depends on the willingness of goals: the higher goal, the greater should be the desire.
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