The Circus 1870-1950 .

by Sunil | 8:31 AM in |

The Circus 1870-1950.

100 years ago, the American circus was the biggest entertainment industry in the world.Since mid-1800 and mid 1900's, touring the American big top magical gave presentations, which were attended by 14,000 spectators, and most attended show of 1600 artists.Submissions, in which the courageous trainer, incredible jugglers, starletki-akrobatki and other players with death is largely predetermined the era of modern cinema and entertainment.These pioneers of show business offered to young Americans, that what they lacked - beautiful, exciting adventures.

This luxurious 670-page album, telling fascinating history of the circus more than 900 color and black-and-white photos and illustrations, including the early circus photographers Frederick Whitman Glazyev and Edward Celts, the first 180 color photographs made during the 40-x-50 -s, 200 posters of famous lithograph Storbridge, as well as icons of circus photos from Matthew Breda, Cornel Kapan, Walker Evans, Vijay, Lizett Model.Also for the first time in the album appear circus images by Stanley Kubrick and rare circus lithographs 16-19 centuries.

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