The ancient seekers

by Sunil | 1:43 AM in , , |

Turkey (Cappadocia) discovered a huge complex of underground cities, located on several levels and connected tunnels. Underground shelters built unknown people in prehistoric times.
Eric in his book "In the wake of Almighty describes this applicant:

... Were discovered gigantic underground cities, designed for many thousands of people. The most famous of them are under the modern village Derinkuyu. Entrances to the underworld hidden beneath the houses. Here and there on the ground there are vents leading far inland. Dungeons slotted tunnel connecting rooms. The first of the village Derinkuyu floor occupies an area of four square kilometers, and the fifth-floor room can accommodate 10,000 people. It is estimated that this underground complex can simultaneously accommodate 300,000 people.

Only underground structures Derinkuyu account for 52 ventilation shafts and 15,000 entries. The biggest mine reaches a depth of 85 meters. The lower part of the city served as a reservoir for water ...

To date in this area and found 36 underground cities. Not all of them have the scope or kaymakli Derinkuyu, but their plans have been carefully designed. People who know this area, believe that here there are many underground facilities. All known to date city are connected by tunnels.

These underground shelter with a huge stone gate valves, warehouses, kitchens and ventilation shafts are shown in a documentary film by Eric "In the footsteps of the Almighty." The film suggested that the ancient people were hiding in them from some kind of threat emanating from the heavens.

In many regions of our planet, there are many mysterious underground facility of unknown purpose for us. In the Sahara desert (oasis of Ghat) from the Algerian border (10 ° west longitude and 25 ° north latitude) underground is a whole system of tunnels and underground utilities, which are cut in the rock. The height of the main galleries of 3 meters, width - 4 meters. In some places, the distance between the tunnels is less than 6 meters. The average length of the tunnels - 4,8 kilometers, and their total length (together with auxiliary galleries) is 1600 kilometers.
A modern tunnel under the English Channel seems child's play compared to these facilities. There is speculation that these subterranean passages were intended to supply the desert regions of Africa. But it would be much easier to dig irrigation canals on the surface of the earth. Moreover, in those days the climate in this region was humid, heavy rainfall fell - and the special needs for the irrigation of lands.
To dig these tunnels under the ground, it was necessary to extract 20 million cubic meters of rock - it is many times greater than all built the Egyptian pyramids. Work is truly titanic. Implement the construction of underground utilities in this volume, even with modern technology it is almost impossible. Scientists also attribute these underground utilities by 5 millennium BC. er. that is the time when our ancestors learned to build only the primitive hut and use stone tools. Who then built these enormous tunnels, and for what purpose?
In the first half of the XVI century, Francisco Pizarro discovered in the Peruvian Andes the cave entrance, an indoor rock blocks. It was located at an altitude of 6,770 meters above sea level on Mount Huaskaran. Speleological expedition, organized in 1971, looking composed of multiple layers of a system of tunnels, discovered sealed door, which, despite its massiveness, is easily turned, opening the entry. Floor is paved with blocks of underground passages treated in such a way as to prevent slipping (tunnels leading to the ocean, have a slope of about 14 °). According to various estimates, the total length of communications ranging from 88 to 105 kilometers. It is assumed that the earlier tunnels led to the island Guanape, but to test this hypothesis is difficult, because the moves end with a lake of salt sea water.
In 1965 in Ecuador (province of Morona-Santiago), between the towns Galakviza, San Antonio and Yopi, Argentinian Juan Morici discovered a system of tunnels and ventilation shafts with a total length of several hundred kilometers. Log into the system looks like a neat cut into the rock the size of a granary doors. Tunnels have a rectangular cross section with varying width, and sometimes turn a right angle. The walls are covered with a kind of underground utilities glaze, as if they are treated with some solvent or subjected to high temperatures. Interestingly, the output is not found stockpiles of rock tunnels.
The underground passage consistently leads to the underground platforms and huge halls, located at a depth of 240 meters, from the ventilation holes of width 70 cm. At the heart of one of the rooms the size of 110 x 130 meters is the table and seven neutrons from an unknown material, similar to plastic. There's also found a whole gallery of great gold figures depicting animals: elephants, crocodiles, lions, camels, bison, bears, monkeys, wolves, jaguars, crabs, snails, and even dinosaurs. The researchers also found the "library" consisting of several thousand embossed metal plates measuring 45 x 90 inches, covered with cryptic signs. Priest, Father Carlo Crespi, to hold archaeological research with the permission of the Vatican, said:
All the finds made in the tunnels, refer to the pre-Christian era, and most of the symbols and images of ancient prehistoric times Flood.
In 1972, Eric von Daniken, met with Juan Morici and persuaded him to show the ancient tunnels. The researcher agreed, but with one condition - no pictures of the underground labyrinths. In his book Daniken wrote:
To help us better understand what is happening, the guides made us go through the last 40 kilometers on foot. We are very tired; tropics harassed us. Finally we come to the hill that has a lot of input into the depths of the earth.
Our chosen entry was almost invisible due to the closing of its vegetation. In width, it was bigger railway stations. We passed through the tunnel, which had the approximately 40 meters wide, and his smooth ceiling did not show any signs of connecting devices.
Its entrance is located at the foot of the hill in Los Tayos, and at least the first 200 meters were just down towards the center of the array. The height of the tunnel was approximately 230 centimeters, had the floor, partially covered with bird droppings, a layer of about 80 centimeters. Among the garbage and litter all the time falls, metal and stone figurines. The floor was composed of processed stone.
We've covered their way carbide lamps. No trace of smoke in these caves were not. According to legend, the inhabitants covered the road with gold mirror reflecting sunlight, or light gathering system with emeralds. This latest decision to remind us the principle of the laser. The walls are covered is also very well rounded stones. Admiration, caused by the buildings of Machu Picchu, decreases when you see this work. Smoothly polished stone and has a straight edge. The edges are not rounded. The junction of the stones is hardly noticeable. Judging by some lying on the floor of processed blocks, subsidence was not, as the surrounding walls are finished and completely finished. What is it - the creators of inaccuracy, which finished the job, leaving behind pieces, or they thought to continue their occupation?
The walls are almost completely covered with reliefs of animals - both modern and extinct. Dinosaurs, elephants, jaguars, crocodiles, monkeys, crabs - all directed toward the center. We found a carved inscription - a square with rounded corners, with a side of approximately 12 centimeters. Group of geometric figures ranged between two and four units of varying lengths, which looked placed in vertical and horizontal form. From one to another, this procedure was not repeated. Is this number system or a computer program? Just in case the expedition was equipped kislorodopodayu-ing system, but it was not required. Even today, vertically embedded in the hill vents are well preserved and fulfilled its function. When you exit to the surface some of them are covered with lids. Outside to find them difficult, but sometimes among groups of rocks show a bottomless pit.
The ceiling in the tunnel is low, with no relief. Outwardly, it looks like made of roughly processed stone. Nevertheless, it is soft to the touch. Heat and moisture have disappeared, making the path easier. We have reached the wall of the treated stone, which divided our way. On both sides of the wide tunnel through which we descended, opened the way to a narrow passage. We went to one of those who went to the left. Later we discovered that another passage led into the same direction. These passages, we were about 1200 meters, only to find the stone wall that covers our way. Our guide held out his hand to a certain point, and simultaneously opened two stone door width of 35 inches.
We stopped, breathless, at the throat a huge cave with dimensions that are impossible to determine with the naked eye. One side has a height of about 5 meters. The dimensions of the cave is about 110 x 130 meters, though its shape is not rectangular.
Conductor whistled, and different shadows crossed the living room. " Flying birds, butterflies, no one knew where. Opened up various tunnels. Our guide said that this large room is always clean. Everywhere on the walls painted with animals and vychercheny squares. And they are all connected to each other. In the middle of the living room was a table and some chairs. Men sit, leaning back, but these chairs are for people of higher growth. They are designed for statues height of about 2 meters. At first glance, table and chairs are made of simple stone. However, if you touch it, then they will be of a plastic material, almost worn out and very smooth. Table measuring approximately 3 x 6 feet supported only by a cylindrical base diameter of 77 centimeters. The thickness of the top 30 centimeters. On one side there are five chairs on the other - six or seven. If you touch the inside of the table top, you can feel the texture and the cold stone, suggests that it is covered with an unknown material. First, the conductor led us to another hidden door. Again, the two sections of stone were opened without effort, allowing more input into one dwelling, but smaller. It was a lot of shelves with volumes, and in the middle between them pass, as the modern book in stock. They were also made from some of the material cold, soft, but with edges that are almost cut the skin. Stone, petrified wood or metal? Difficult to understand.
Each such volume was 90 centimeters tall and 45 centimeters thick and contained about 400 pages of processed gold. These books have a metal cover of 4 mm in thickness, and color are darker than the pages themselves. They are not sewn but bonded in some other way. Negligence of one of the visitors drew our attention to another item. He grabbed one of the metal pages, which, despite the thickness of a fraction of a millimeter, there was a strong and smooth. Notebook without a cover fell to the floor and trying to raise it frowned as paper. On each page was an engraving, a jeweler, it seems as if written in ink. Maybe it's underground storage of some library space?
Pages of these volumes are divided into different squares with rounded corners. There may be a lot easier to understand these characters, and abstract symbols, as well as stylized human figures - a head with rays, arms with three, four and five fingers. Among these characters is similar to a large carved inscription found in the Museum of Church of Our Lady in Cuenca. Perhaps it belongs to the golden objects, presumably blown out of Los Tayos. She has 52 centimeters in length, 14 centimeters wide and 4 inches in depth, with 56 different signs, it is likely to be the alphabet ... Visiting Cuenca was very important for us because it was possible to see objects of the Father Crespi in the church of Our Lady, and also listen to the legends of the local white gods, fair-haired and blue eyed, from time to time visit this country ... place of residence is unknown, although it is assumed that they lived in an unknown city, near Cuenca. Although dark-skinned indigenous people believed that they bring happiness, but afraid of their mental strength as well as those practicing telepathy, as they say, can levitate objects without contact. Their average height 185 cm for women and 190 - for men. They definitely fit chairs large living room in Los Tayos.
Numerous illustrations of amazing underground discoveries can be seen in the book of  Eric "Gold of the gods." When Juan Morici said their discovery, to study the tunnel was jointly organized by the Anglo-Ecuadorian expedition. Its honorary adviser Neil Armstrong said about the results:
Signs of human life under the ground were found, and it probably will not be the main worldwide archaeological discovery of the century.
After this interview, information about the mysterious caves are no longer reported, and the area where they are located, currently closed to foreigners.
Shelters for protection from disasters that struck the Earth during its rapprochement with the neutron star, as well as all sorts of disasters that accompanied the war of the gods, were built all over the globe. Dolmens, which are a kind of stone shelters, covered with a massive plate with a small round hole for the entrance, intended for the same purpose as the underground structures, that is served as a refuge. These stone buildings are located in different parts of the world - India, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Sicily, England, France, Belgium, Spain, Korea, Siberia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. Moreover dolmen, located in different parts of our planet is surprisingly similar to each other, as if made on a standard project.
According to the legends and myths of different peoples, they were built dwarfs, as well as men, but recent construction obtained more primitive, because they used roughly processed stone.
During the construction of these facilities sometimes do special extinguishing oscillations layer under the foundation, which protected the dolmens of earthquakes. For example, the ancient structure, located in Azerbaijan near the village Gorikidi, damping has two tiers. In the Egyptian pyramids are also found chambers filled with sand, which served for the same purpose.

Remarkable and accurate fitting of massive stone slabs dolmens. Even with the help of modern technical means to collect a dolmen of available blocks is very difficult. Here's how A. Formozov describes in his book "Monuments of primitive art" attempt to move one of the dolmen:
In 1960 it was decided to carry out Esher some dolmen in Sukhumi - the courtyard of the museum Abkhazia. Chose the smallest and brought him a crane. No matter how looping steel cable to the cover plate, she did not budge. Call the second crane. Two cranes lifted multi-ton monolith, but raise it to the truck he was not able to do. Exactly a year the roof was in Esher, waiting to arrive at Sukhumi mechanism powerful. In 1961, with a new mechanism for all the stones were loaded onto vehicles. But the main thing was to come: build a house again. Reconstruction carried out only partially. The roof was lowered by four walls, but expand it so that their edges into the slots on the inner surface of the roof, we could not. In ancient times, plates were brought to each other so closely that a knife blade between them did not climb through. Now there was a big gap.
At the present time in various regions of the planet discovered numerous ancient catacombs, it is unknown when and by whom dug. There is an assumption that these groundwater tiered galleries formed in the process of extraction of stone for building construction. But why did spend a titanic work, hollowing blocks of very strong rocks in the narrow underground galleries, which are near the same rocks, and is situated directly on the earth's surface?
Ancient catacombs were found near Paris, in Italy (Rome, Naples), Spain, the islands of Sicily and Malta, in Syracuse, Germany, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Crimea. Russian Society of Speleology Research (Rosie) a lot of work on an inventory of artificial caves and underground architectural structures in the former Soviet Union. Currently, I have already collected information on 2,500 sites catacomb type, belonging to different epochs. The most ancient cave date back to 1914 millennium BC. er. (Tract stone tomb in the Zaporozhye region).
Paris Catacombs - a network of meandering man-made underground galleries. Their total length - from 187 to 300 kilometers. The oldest tunnels existed even before Christ. In the Middle Ages (XII century) in the catacombs began to extract limestone and gypsum, as a result of this network of underground galleries has been greatly expanded. Later the cave used for burial of the dead. Currently, near Paris, houses the remains of about 6 million people.
Dungeons of Rome, probably very ancient. Under the city and its suburbs found more than 40 catacombs cut into the porous volcanic tuff. The length of the galleries, the most conservative estimates, ranging from 100 to 150 kilometers, and possibly more than 500 kilometers. During the Roman Empire, vault used for burial of the dead: in the galleries of the catacombs, and many separate burial chambers, there are between 600 thousand to 800 thousand graves. At the beginning of our era were located in the catacombs of early Christian churches and chapels of communities.
In the vicinity of Naples, was found about 700 catacombs, consisting of tunnels, galleries, caves and secret passages. The most ancient cave date back to 4500 BC. er. Cavers discovered underground water pipes, aqueducts and cisterns for water, space, where previously stored food supplies. During World War II, the catacombs were used as bomb shelters.
One of the attractions of Malta's ancient culture is Gipogeum - underground catacombs asylum-type, leaving on several floors deep. For centuries (between 3200 and 2900 years BC. Er.) Its hollowed in the solid granite rock with stone tools. In our time on the ground floor of this underground city investigators found the remains of 6,000 people buried with various ritual objects.
Perhaps the mysterious underground facilities used by people as a refuge from the various disasters that occurred on earth many times. Preserved in various sources describing the grand battle between the aliens that have taken place in the distant past of our planet, suggest that the caves could serve as air raid shelters and bunkers.

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