Stunning Fly Geyser

by Sunil | 5:14 AM in , , , |

It is located about 20 miles north of Gerlach, in Washoe County, Nevada that is owned by Todd Jaksick today. Several organizations have tried to buy it but Todd isn’t selling.
Fly Geyser is a very little known tourist attraction, even to Nevada residents. It is located right near the edge of Fly Reservoir and is only about 5 feet (1.5 m) high, 12 feet (3.7 m) if you count the mound on which it sits). The Geyser is not an entirely natural phenomenon, and was accidentally created in 1916 during the drilling of a well. The well functioned normally for several decades, but then in the 1960s geothermally heated water found a weak spot in the wall and began escaping to the surface. Dissolved minerals started rising and piling up, creating the mount on which the geyser sits, which is still growing to date.

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